What is the average cost to shovel a driveway?
- Most residential driveways are $65 per visit. Front public sidewalks are typically $15 (corner house, or larger lots will cost more). Sidewalks From driveway to front door are typically only $10. ($65 minimum charge per visit / 1-4" snow fall)
Why do you use Shovels and or Snow Blowers instead of Snow Plows?
- Shoveling or using a Snow Blower is the best way to clear snow from your driveway. It also reduces damage to the drive and surrounding landscaping.
What happens if the snow storm last all day long?
- If a snow storm is long lasting or extremely heavy we may need to clear your property more than one time during a given storm, resulting in additional plowing charge (Quoted prices are for the typical 1-4" snow fall).
What is the charge for a snow fall over 4"
- 4.1''-8'' snow event will cost 50% more. 8.1-12'' is double the regular rate.
What happens during a Blizzard?
- As soon as the main roads are drivable we will be able to service your property. Driveways are the priority, sidewalks will be cleaned after all driveways are cleared. This process will likely take multiple days to complete. Your price quoted for snow services are for the typical 1”-4” of accumulation. The total amount of snow fall will be verified with our Certified Snow Service and you will be charged based on our current price structure.
When do you service my property?
- We will make our best effort to time our services with the end of a storm. However, we try to clear your driveway and/or sidewalks prior to 6:00 am and/or 6:00 pm for your convenience.
Can you service my property if we receive less than 1" of snow fall?
- Yes, service is available and considered Zero Tolerance.
Why do we start snow management services at 1”
- Many snow storms are less than 2”. If we receive multiple snow falls of less than two inches you will have excess snow on driveway and sidewalks that will get packed down and made very slippery.
Can you apply salt to my driveway and/or sidewalks?
- Yes we carry Natural Alternative de-icing products on all of our plow trucks. Natural Alternative de-icing products are the best de-icing product we have found to help avoid damage to lawns, shrubs, driveways, sidewalks and buildings. The minimum charge is $60.00 and typically covers driveways and all sidewalks. ($60.00 charge + tax is based on us being onsite during snow removal services. Per 50LB bag)
Can you de-ice my property without shoveling?
- The minimum charge for applying Natural Alternative de-icing product without snow plowing or shoveling is $60.00 plus service call of $50.00
How do I make payments?
- You will be invoiced after every service performed at your property. Payments are due upon receipt of invoice.
What happens if I serviced my own property prior to you coming out?
- You will be charged the normal service rate.
How can I get in touch with you if I have a snow related question or request?